Mechanical Lifting Beam

IMI Industrial Services Group took an idea from concept to completion by utilizing our portfolio of in-house professional services. For this project our groups engineered, fabricated and tested a complete mechanical lifting beam, utilized for installing and removing stoplogs at power generating hydro facilities. This device will eliminate the need for divers during the process of removing [...]

By |2023-09-26T11:11:00-04:00September 26th, 2023|Short Post|0 Comments

Compressor Skid

This compressor skid was designed, fabricated, and painted here at IMI Industrial Services Group. All equipment was installed electrically and plumbed out of 304L S-10 piping. Another great job by our skilled fabrication and piping division. Wondering if we can build compressor skids? #YesWeCan. Give us a call at (706) 769-7962 or visit us online at 

By |2023-09-14T08:19:03-04:00September 14th, 2023|Short Post|0 Comments

Celebrating Women at IMI

In the second part of our tribute to women working at IMI, we would like to spotlight a woman that has worn many hats during her time with IMI.  Stephanie came to us as a millwright with a little over 10 years' experience, and is now the Director of our sister company, Safe Workforce Development. Stephanie believes that "safety can be not only caring, but fun and interesting" and sets out to make sure that everyone she works with is safe & successful.

By |2023-03-29T16:11:49-04:00March 29th, 2023|Company News, Social Media|Comments Off on Celebrating Women at IMI

Celebrating Women at IMI

Before the close of Women's History Month, we wanted to take a few moments to spotlight women that work for IMI. Today, we are introducing Melissa.  She works as a welder in our structural fabrication shop. Melissa's words of advice to young ladies that want to take up welding are "trust yourself and don't let something as silly as fear hold you back from being who you are called to be."

By |2023-03-24T11:07:44-04:00March 24th, 2023|Company News, Social Media|Comments Off on Celebrating Women at IMI

Picnic Fundraiser 2022!

IMI believes community involvement  builds strong communities and strong businesses.  At our annual company picnic, a handful of our Project & Shop Managers volunteered to sit in a dunk tank to raise money for ESP.  Our employees were eager to see them dunked.  They donated $2,000 for chances to hit the target & send the [...]

By |2022-09-30T11:18:48-04:00September 30th, 2022|Company News, Social Media|0 Comments

Cooling Tower

IMI Industrial Services Group recently removed an outdated cooling tower from a facility in Covington, Georgia, and will soon be replacing it with a new cooling tower using IMI's equipment installation teams. As an industry leader in all types of equipment installations, moves, and removals, the IMI team can manage even the largest of heavy [...]

By |2022-06-10T10:00:33-04:00June 10th, 2022|Short Post|0 Comments

Slag Vessels

IMI recently fabricated and delivered multiple tilting slag vessels and cradle assemblies for a client in Carrolton, Georgia. Made with carbon steel, then blasted and painted with high temperature silver, these vessels will hold high temperature refractory materials once they are installed. Have unique fabrication needs? Give IMI a call 706-769-7962.

By |2022-05-24T12:57:24-04:00May 24th, 2022|Short Post|0 Comments

Spinning To Finish

With an expansive machine shop, measuring over 40,000 square feet, you are bound to find an exciting project in the works on our Watkinsville campus.  Today was no exception as the IMI team was in the midst of fabricating a tank plug for a local client in Athens, Georgia. The stainless-steel piece will soon be [...]

By |2022-05-17T13:32:36-04:00May 17th, 2022|Short Post|0 Comments

All About Precision

From standard straight-line cuts to intricate detailed OEM work, our automated cutting capabilities are virtually endless. IMI’s large water jet table can accommodate a variety of shapes and sizes. With specialized software and 3-D machining heads, the complexity of the shape is not an issue. Water jet cutting also allows for much quicker setup and [...]

By |2022-05-04T15:06:03-04:00May 4th, 2022|Short Post|0 Comments

Hot Off the Stove

IMI Industrial Services Group recently resurfaced and refurbished a tortilla press, including rebuilding the shafts, for a local food manufacturing facility. Our Shop employs stringent steps to ensure our customers can continue to use their equipment for years to come. When vital components become grimy or worn IMI can rebuild or replace parts of your [...]

By |2022-04-29T07:59:55-04:00April 29th, 2022|Short Post|0 Comments